Society indicators
Trust in other people
How much people would say people can generally be trusted (in %)
Source: eurostat
Voting participation
Voter turnout in the last parliamentary elections (in %)
Source: politico
Lack of corruption score
How much corruption is percieved by public (higher score = less corruption)
Source: transparency international
Number of people responding yes to "I believe there is a God" (in %)
Source: eurobarometer
Tertiary education
Percentage of population that completed tertiary(university) education (in %)
Source: eurostat
Pisa score
Score of 16 year olds in math science and literature1
Source: oecd
Obesity rate
Percentage of population that is considered obese (in %)
Source: eurostat
Fertility rate
How much children does the average woman have
Source: eurostat
Life expectancy
Expected life expentancy at birth
Source: eurostat