Economy indicators
Overall economy ranking
Ranking calculated from the following indicators:
Gdp per capita PPP, Unemployment, R&D (Innovation) to gdp, Capital gains tax, Corporate tax, Value added tax, Net average monthly wage, House price to wage, Gdp growth past 5 years
Learn more at the methodology page
Gdp per capita
The amount of money the economy produces each year for every person, on average
Source: imf
Gdp per capita PPP
Gdp per capita adjusted to local prices (how much can the average person buy)
Source: imf
Net average monthly wage
Average monthly salary after tax
Source: eurostat
How much of the eligible workforce is unemployed (in %)
Source: eurostat
House price to wage
Average house price to average salary
Source: eurostat, other ...
Gdp growth past 5 years
How much the gdp has grown past 5 years (in %)
Source: imf
Debt to gdp
National debt compared to gdp (in %)
Source: imf
Corporate tax
Tax on corporate profits (in %)
Source: wikipedia, other ...
Capital gains tax
Tax on gains of stocks (in %)
Source: wikipedia, other ...
Value added tax
Tax on goods and services (in %)
Source: wikipedia, other ...
R&D (Innovation) to gdp
How much money is the country speding on research and development to gdp
Source: eurostat